T03-S05 Measuring Building Performance in the Era of EO 14057  

Education Type: 
Live On-Site
1.5 hours
10:30 Am - 12:00 PM (ET)

Cincinnati, OH

0.2 CEU

Executive Order (E.O) 14057 issues challenging goals for federal agencies, including the requirement to reduce GHG from buildings, campuses, and installations by 50% by 2032 and achieve net-zero by 2045. This session will present a deep dive into using building performance tools to help federal agencies drive the federal building fleet toward net-zero. We will explore what building performance rating systems exist, how to use them, who's using them, gaining sufficient benefit from building performance systems, costs of implementing, finding champions, influencing decision-makers, overlap with the Federal Government’s Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings, and implications for design, retrofits, operations and maintenance, and portfolio management.


Michael Myers, DOE Federal Sustainability Advisor, Boston Government Services/Myersverde

Don Horn, Deputy Director, Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings, General Services Administration

Nazmi Ahmed, Program Analyst, Office of Federal High- Performance Green Buildings, General Services Administration

Chris Pyke, Senior Vice President and Environmental Scientist, Arc Skoru/US Green Building Council

Charity Grano, Division Manager - Support Infrastructure, Enterprise Infrastructure Programs, Department of Energy - Nevada National Security Site

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this session attendees will:

  • Identify the Federal Government's Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings and third-party building certification systems and how to use them;
  • Identify how E.O. 14057 and its implementing guidance will influence policy and direction for using and changing Guiding Principles;
  • Hear a case study on using guiding principles for gaining net-zero certification on new buildings, existing buildings, and campuses;
  • Recognize the U.S. Green Building Council’s evolution of rating tools, including a holistic approach to measuring performance, zero certification programs, and shifting from building-level to campus-level tracking; and
  • Recognize the GSA's matrix for tracking progress against E.O. 14057 as it relates to building performance and how these tools can be used by other federal agencies.
Federal Agencies and Facility Criteria: