Cincinnati, OH
How can we align natural and technological approaches to address the climate crisis? This session will provide an overview of nature-based solutions being implemented at federal and commercial sites, including an overview of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Engineering with Nature Initiative. The session will discuss how nature-based solutions can be implemented to support climate resiliency and highlight success stories from projects being implemented as well as lessons learned.
Jeffrey King, Deputy National Lead for EWN Initiative, US Army Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Hollie Schmidt, Director of the Resilient + Sustainability Business Advisory, Jacobs
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this session attendees will:
- Identify how the federal government, as well as other innovative organizations, are incorporating natural infrastructure solutions across large sites/campuses today to help mitigate impacts from climate change and improve resiliency;
- Recognize some of the challenges around campus/site wide natural infrastructure programs and hear from experienced professionals on solutions that work;
- Identify some of the solutions and technologies being implemented currently;
- Identify how to get stakeholder buy in when trying to implement new and innovative natural infrastructure solutions; and
- Recognize what the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Engineering with Nature Program is and how you can leverage their efforts for your needs.