T09-S02 Carbon Free-Energy Procurement: Agency & Utility Provider  

Education Type: 
Live On-Site
1.5 hours
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM (ET)

Cincinnati, OH

0.2 CEU

This training session will provide discussion and ideas for carbon free energy procurement as required in Executive Order (EO) 14057. Discussion will describe ways to achieve the 100% carbon pollution-free electricity (CFE) by 2030 through procurement and technologies. Subject matter experts will also describe the differences between the various procurement mechanisms and how agencies can decide to achieve the mandate.


Denise Funkhouser, Director of the Energy Division, General Services Administration

Kenneth Shiver, Chief Economist, Director of Planning, Regulatory and Strategy Support, Southern Company

Daryl Williams, Manager, EnergyRight for Federal Energy Services & Programs, Tennessee Valley Authority

Elisabeth McClure, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, Federal Energy Management Program

Andrew Knox, Director, Installation Energy, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment & Energy Resilience

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this session attendees will:

  • Recognize what CFE is, as required in EO 14057;
  • Identify what energy procurement tools federal agencies can use;
  • Recognize the DOD’s approach or plan in achieving CFE requirements as the largest user of energy;
  • Identify what solutions are provided to generate CFE sources from the utility provider perspective; and
  • Recognize the basics of CFE, ways to implement, and what resources are available from FEMP and agencies to assist them in collaborating with their utility provider(s).
Federal Agencies and Facility Criteria: