To the Last Drop: Water Savings through Conservation Measures and Proven Technologies  

Education Type: 
1 Hour
0.2 CEU
Sponsored by: 

DOE Federal Energy Management Program - FEMP

This 2020 Energy Exchange Extra session guides participants through federal water requirements and drivers and Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) water tools and resources. It also offers information about how to implement water conservation measures and proven technologies to decrease total water consumption and explains how to maximize alternative water sources and minimize wastewater discharge.


Brian Boyd, Research Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Kate Stoughton, Research Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Paul Bassett, Vice President, ENVOCORE

Brad Lowe, Principal Project Development Engineer, Constellation New Energy

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Explain why water is a priority;
  • Explore FEMP water tools and resources; and
  • Identify how to implement water conservation measures and proven technologies.
Federal Agencies and Facility Criteria: