Architects, engineers, and project managers can improve the performance and quality of their buildings by following the guidance and recommendations provided within the categories of this web site. Start by navigating through one of the sections below:
- Design Objectives—contains information organized by the specific design goal.
- Building Types—contains information organized by the type of building or use.
- Space Types—contains information organized by the type of functional space within buildings.
- Design Disciplines—contains information organized by the professional disciplines' role in the 'whole building' process.
- Guides & Specifications—contains building systems guides and information on public and private section specifications.
- Resource Pages—contains information on more specific topics relating to the sections above.
Multiple links between various sections of the WBDG and the Internet allow you to easily access all relevant online information related to a topic, including design tools, federal mandates, and government and non-government standards. At the bottom-most level of the site, browse in-depth technical summaries, called Resource Pages, written by industry experts.