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Title Date View
PWTB 200-1-03 Solvent Minimization and Substitution Guidelines   08-31-1999  PDF
PWTB 200-1-04 Economic Analysis of Solvent Management Options   08-31-1999  PDF
PWTB 200-1-05 Oil/Water Separator Selection, Installation and Maintenance: Lessons Learned   12-05-1997  PDF
PWTB 200-1-08 Evaluation of Automatic Aqueous Parts Washers   01-15-1998  PDF
PWTB 200-1-09 Evaluation of Imbiber Bead Technology For POL Leak Control   12-23-1999  PDF
PWTB 200-1-10 Evaluation of Zymo Bacteria-Based Parts Cleaner   03-08-2000  PDF
PWTB 200-1-100 Selection of Reinforced Vegetation and Hard Armoring Techniques   06-03-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-101 Graywater Application for Army Installations   09-30-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-102 Twenty Non-Native Invasive Plants Army Installation Land Managers Should Know About   06-30-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-103 Investigation of Seed Bombs for Military Lands   12-30-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-104 Implementing a Water Conservation Program on Army Installations   09-30-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-105 Water Efficient Installations   09-30-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-106 Managing Environmental and Conservation Impacts from Prescribed Fire Programs   09-30-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-107 Use of Vegetation to Promote Capture of Fugitive Dust on U.S. Army Installations   09-30-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-108 Guidance on Effective Archival Research in the Evaluation of National Register Eligibility Status of Archaeological Site   09-30-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-109 Pre-Germination to Enhance Seeding Success and Establishment of Vegetation   09-30-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-11 Centralized Hazardous Materials Management Program (CHMMP)   07-31-1999  PDF
PWTB 200-1-110 Environmentally Friendly Cleaners for Removing Tar and Asphalt from Tactical and Transportation Vehicles   10-31-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-111 Biodegradation for Treatment of Pol-Contaminated Soil   11-30-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-112 Porous Concrete Load-Bearing System at Fort Hood: Lessons Learned   12-15-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-113 Using Ground Asphalt Shingles for Dust Control   10-31-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-114 GPS-Based Underwater Video Mapping for Aquatic Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat   12-15-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-115 Low-Water Crossings - Lessons Learned   12-15-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-116 Guidance for Low Impact Development (LID) Site Selection and Integration on Military Lands   03-10-2012  PDF
PWTB 200-1-117 Mitigation of Environmental Impacts from Unsurfaced Roads   12-10-2013  PDF
PWTB 200-1-118 Implementing Sustainable Water Management Strategies in Historic District   04-30-2012  PDF
PWTB 200-1-119 Inventory of Public Works Technical Bulletins: 1992-2011   06-30-2012  PDF
PWTB 200-1-12 Treatment of Heavy Metal Contaminated Waste   07-31-2001  PDF
PWTB 200-1-120 Opportunities to Increase Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion   10-31-2012  PDF
PWTB 200-1-121 Stormwater Best Management Practices for Low Impact Development (LID) Infrastructure   12-31-2013  PDF
PWTB 200-1-122 Use of High-Carbon Waste Materials for Soil Restoration   07-31-2012  PDF
PWTB 200-1-123 Identification of Superfluous Roads in Terms of Sustainable Military Land Carrying Capacity and Environment   03-31-2013  PDF
PWTB 200-1-124 Environmental Considerations of Stabilizing Treatments for Tank Trails   01-31-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-125 Forest Products and Agricultural Outleasing   06-30-2013  PDF
PWTB 200-1-126 PCBs in Caulk and Paint   12-31-2012  PDF
PWTB 200-1-127 Vegetation Establishment Expectations For Erosion Control Blankets   02-28-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-128 Update of Market Value for Demolition Salvage Materials   12-05-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-129 Demonstration and Guidance of Automated Radio Telemetry Systems for Monitoring Animal Populations   03-31-2013  PDF
PWTB 200-1-13 Source Information For Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricant (POL) Spill Containment and Cleanup Materials   03-31-2001  PDF
PWTB 200-1-130 Evaluation of Erosion Control Blankets on Military Firing Ranges   10-31-2013  PDF
PWTB 200-1-131 Non-Native Invasive Species Management Guidance   06-30-2013  PDF
PWTB 200-1-132 Guidelines for Sustainable Parking Areas, Including Native Vegetation Considerations, In Support of Low Impact Development   10-31-2013  PDF
PWTB 200-1-133 Environmental Considerations for Selecting Cost-Effective Dust Control Technologies   10-31-2013  PDF
PWTB 200-1-134 Prioritizing Archeological Sites for Cost-Effective Long-Term Management   05-15-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-135 Cost-Estimation Tool for Low-Impact Development Stormwater Best Management Practices   12-15-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-136 Turbidity As A Surrogate For Estimating Suspended Sediments   11-30-2013  PDF
PWTB 200-1-137 Concrete Recycling Alternatives for Military Installations   12-15-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-138 Evaluation of Centralized Vehicle Wash Facilities for Invasive Species Removal   12-10-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-139 Evaluation of Demonstrated Bioswale   04-10-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-14 Flourescent Light Bulb Management and Disposal   03-15-2001  PDF
PWTB 200-1-140 Terrain and the Physical Environment: Factors for Consideration in Noise Mitigation    07-30-2015  PDF
PWTB 200-1-141 Implementing Storm Water and Erosion Control Technologies in Urban-Type Military Range Designs   06-10-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-142 Applicable Guidelines for Water Reuse at Army Installations   06-30-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-143 Reducing Construction and Demolition Waste from Residential Communitieis Initiative (RCI) Programs   08-30-2015  PDF
PWTB 200-1-144 Toxics Management   10-30-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-145 Recycle of Solvent Cleaners for Tactical and Transportation Vehicles   11-30-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-146 Contract Considerations for Demolition Waste Reduction   06-30-2015  PDF
PWTB 200-1-147 Update of Recycling Interior and Exterior Finish Materials   11-30-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-148 Creative Strategies and Opportunities for Managing Cultural Resources on Army Training Lands   08-31-2015  PDF
PWTB 200-1-149 Demonstration of a Modular Wetland Treatment System for Stormwater Runoff   12-30-2014  PDF
PWTB 200-1-15 Automated Template for Integrated Solid Waste Management Plans   11-08-2002  PDF
PWTB 200-1-150 Multinational Analysis of Military Vehicle Impacts and Regulartory Pressures on Training Land Management    07-30-2015  PDF
PWTB 200-1-151 Update of Deconstruction Alternatives for World War II-Era Buildings   10-15-2015  PDF
PWTB 200-1-15z Solid Waste Management Plans ( file)    ZIP
PWTB 200-1-16 Innovative Uses of Recycled Tank Tracks for Erosion Control   01-07-2002  PDF
PWTB 200-1-17 Recycling Interior Finish Materials - Carpet and Ceiling Tiles   10-03-2003  PDF
PWTB 200-1-18 Guidance For Non-Native Invasive Plant Species on Army Lands: Western United States   03-13-2003  PDF
PWTB 200-1-19 Guidance For Non-Native Invasive Plant Species on Army Lands: Eastern United States   03-13-2003  PDF
PWTB 200-1-20 Pollution Prevention: Lessons Learned   07-03-2002  PDF
PWTB 200-1-21 Applicability of Constructed Wetlands for Army Installations   06-23-2003  PDF
PWTB 200-1-22 Army Solid Waste and recycling Web Site   11-04-2003  PDF
PWTB 200-1-23 Guidance for the Reduction of Demolition Waste Through Reuse and Recycling   10-03-2003  PDF
PWTB 200-1-24 Quantifying Waste Generated From Building Remodeling   10-15-2003  PDF
PWTB 200-1-25 Fuel Tanker Purging Facilities - Lessons Learned   12-01-2003  PDF
PWTB 200-1-26 Market Valuation of Demolition Salvage Materials   04-05-2005  PDF
PWTB 200-1-27 Reuse of Concrete Materials From Building Demolition   09-14-2004  PDF
PWTB 200-1-31 Guidance for Addressing Chlordane Contamination at Department of Defense Sites   09-30-2004  PDF
PWTB 200-1-35 Construction Discharge and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Requirements   09-30-2005  PDF
PWTB 200-1-36 Sustainable Stormwater Storage Alternatives for Army Installations   09-30-2005  PDF
PWTB 200-1-37 Method to Estimate Vegetative Cover on Army Training Lands   10-25-2005  PDF
PWTB 200-1-38 Guidelines for Complying with the Oil Pollution Prevention Regulation   10-31-2006  PDF
PWTB 200-1-39 Guidelines on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program   07-31-2006  PDF
PWTB 200-1-40 Characterizing Demolition Debris for Diversion Opportunities: WWII-Era and Korean War-Era Buildings   07-31-2006  PDF
PWTB 200-1-43 Method for Identifying Roads and Trails to Determine Erosion Potentials on U.S. Army Installations   03-31-2008  PDF
PWTB 200-1-44 Recycling Exterior Building Finish Materials   02-01-2007  PDF
PWTB 200-1-45 Deconstruction of WWII-Era Wood Framed Buildings   02-01-2007  PDF
PWTB 200-1-46 Water Conservation and Water Efficiency Guidance   02-01-2007  PDF
PWTB 200-1-47 Guidance to Select Detergents for Use at Army Washracks   08-30-2007  PDF
PWTB 200-1-48 Opportunities for Reducing Construction and Demolition Waste from Residential Communities Initiative (RCI) Programs   06-30-2007  PDF
PWTB 200-1-50 Comparison of Solid Substrates for Collecting Military Smoke and Obscurant Chemical Deposition   09-01-2007  PDF
PWTB 200-1-51 Solid Waste Generation Rates At Army Base Camps   04-01-2008  PDF
PWTB 200-1-52 U.S. Army Installation Floristic Inventory Database   11-30-2007  PDF
PWTB 200-1-53 Overview of Native Plant Species with Remediation Potential that have Applicability to Land Rehabilitation Objectives   11-30-2007  PDF
PWTB 200-1-54 General Mapping Guidelines for Terrestrial Invasive Plant Species   07-01-2008  PDF
PWTB 200-1-55 Update to UFC 4-214-03 Central Vehicle Wash Facilities   04-01-2008  PDF
PWTB 200-1-57 Prioritized Non-Native Invasive Plant Management on Army Installations   06-30-2008  PDF
PWTB 200-1-59 Pilot Study Using Wood Chips as an Absorbent to Treat Wastewater from Grease Trap Servicing   07-01-2008  PDF
PWTB 200-1-60 Best Practices for Archaeological Site Monitoring   01-01-2009  PDF
PWTB 200-1-61 An Evaluation of Field Test Kits for Environmental Sampling   10-01-2008  PDF
PWTB 200-1-62 Low Impact Development for Sustainable Installations: Stormwater Design and Planning Guidance for Development within Army Training Areas   10-01-2008  PDF
PWTB 200-1-63 Alternatives to Chlorine Disinfection at the Fort Bragg, NC Drinking Water Treatment Plant   01-01-2009  PDF
PWTB 200-1-64 Wastewater Effluent Reuse at Fort Bragg -- Feasibility Study   01-01-2009  PDF
PWTB 200-1-65 Proper Selection of Hydroseeding Mixtures and Components to Promote Rapid Revegetation of Disturbed Department of Defense Lands   06-30-2009  PDF
PWTB 200-1-66 Detection of Fuel Spills In Wastewater Collection Systems   12-31-2009  PDF
PWTB 200-1-67 Update to PWTB 200-1-38, Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan   12-31-2009  PDF
PWTB 200-1-68 Efficient Solid Waste Collection   12-31-2009  PDF
PWTB 200-1-69 Demonstration of the Ecopod(R) Composting System at Fort Lewis and Fort Hood    02-01-2010  PDF
PWTB 200-1-70 Converting Non-Native Plant Species of Improved and Unimproved Grounds to Low Maintenance Native Plant Species   08-01-2010  PDF
PWTB 200-1-71 Lessons Learned: 404/401 Permitting on Military Training Lands    01-30-2010  PDF
PWTB 200-1-72 Army Critical Area Revegetation Establishment Strategies (Army Cares)   09-30-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-73 Reuse of Materials from Modular Relocatable Facilities   07-31-2010  PDF
PWTB 200-1-74 Effective Use of Soil Coring for Archaeology and Pollution Prevention Site Characterization    02-28-2010  PDF
PWTB 200-1-75 Rainwater Harvesting for Army Installations   03-22-2010  PDF
PWTB 200-1-76 Universal Waste Management and Disposal   03-23-2010  PDF
PWTB 200-1-77 Proper Seeding Methods to Promote Rapid Revegetation of Distrubed Department of Defense Lands   04-30-2012  PDF
PWTB 200-1-78 Spray Paint Materials Management and Pilot Delivery System At Fort Hood, TX   01-14-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-79 Benefits of a Candidate Conservation Agreement for the Gopher Tortoise and Lessons Learned   04-30-2010  PDF
PWTB 200-1-80 Microbial Mat Landfill Leachate Treatment System   01-14-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-81 Assessing Regional Sustainability with the Sustainable Installations Regional Resource Assessment (Sirra) Program   01-14-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-82 Modeling the Effects of Prescribed Burning on Ozone Precursors at Fort Bragg, NC   01-14-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-83 Feasibility of JP-8 Recycling at Fort Bragg, NC   09-30-2010  PDF
PWTB 200-1-84 Air Emissions Source Monitoring Technology Implementation Study   09-30-2010  PDF
PWTB 200-1-85 Installation Water Audit Guidelines   09-30-2010  PDF
PWTB 200-1-86 Assessing Water Availability Assessment Guidance   09-30-2010  PDF
PWTB 200-1-87 Operation and Maintenance for Central Vehicle Wash Facilities   03-03-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-88 Guidelines for Management of Winter Annual Grasses   03-03-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-89 Integrating NEPA Analysis Into Army Non-Native Invasive Plant Management   03-15-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-90 Guidance on Native Plant Species Suitable for Ecological Restoration   04-20-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-91 Management Guidance for Gopher Tortoise Relocation   03-31-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-92 Guidance and Demonstration of Motion Detection Systems for Monitoring Species of Concern   03-31-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-93 Ecological Guidance for Renewable Energy Projects   04-30-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-94 Army Water Conservation Collaboration Web Portal   04-15-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-95 Soil Composting for Explosives Remediation: Case Studies and Lessons Learned   05-17-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-96 Initiating Regional Smart-Growth Strategies   05-18-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-97 Evaluation of Check Dam Systems for Erosion and Sediment Control at Military Facilities   05-25-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-98 Guidance to Improve Archaeological Interpretations of Soils and Sediments   05-25-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-1-99 Development and Evaluation of Compost Mulch Best Management Practices for Erosion Control   05-31-2011  PDF
PWTB 200-2-58 Valuation Assessment of Ecosystems   09-16-2008  PDF
PWTB 200-2-65 Floristic Quality Assessments   01-01-2009  PDF
PWTB 200-3-28 An Evaluation of Low-Impact Tires on Military Lands   10-29-2004  PDF
PWTB 200-3-29 Sources of Plant Materials for Land Rehabilitation   06-20-2005  PDF
PWTB 200-3-30 Current Technologies for Erosion Control on Army Training Lands   11-02-2004  PDF
PWTB 200-3-32 Sources for Land Rehabilitation and Maintenance Equipment   06-30-2005  PDF
PWTB 200-3-33 Regional Cost Estimates for Rehabilitation and Maintenance Practices on Army Training Lands   06-01-2005  PDF
PWTB 200-3-41 Lessons Learned: Streambank Stabilization on Army Training Lands   09-30-2006  PDF
PWTB 200-3-49 Range Repository and Guidance for Planning and Siting: Environmental Considerations for Military Installations   09-30-2007  PDF
PWTB 200-3-56 Erosion Assessments: Training Load Optimization for Environmental and Economic Considerations   10-01-2008  PDF
PWTB 200-4-42 Selecting Archaeological Sites for Geophysical Survey   02-01-2007  PDF
PWTB 25-30-1 Public Works Engineering Guidance and Evaluation Program, Publications Inventory   01-25-1999  PDF
PWTB 420-46-1 Effects of Polyurethane Sponge Cleaning on Carrying Capacity of Potable Water Mains   05-01-1996  PDF
