Revoked by Executive Order 13693, March 19, 2015
Executive Order 13423 Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management raises the bar for federal leadership and performance in several areas. The Executive Order requires agencies to reduce greenhouse gases through a reduction in energy intensity of 3% a year or 30% by the end of fiscal year 2015 (compares with 2% per year and 20% overall from EPAct 2005). Federal agencies must ensure that at least half of renewable energy comes from new renewable sources (EPAct 2005 was silent on the issue of new resources) and agencies must reduce water consumption by 2% annually through fiscal year 2015. In addition, new construction/major renovation comply with the 2006 Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
For additional information, see the National Archives and Records Administration