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Performing Remote Audits using the Facility Energy Decision System (FEDS) Module 1: Overview of Remote Audits

Performing Remote Audits using the Facility Energy Decision System (FEDS) is a six-module training series for federal energy professionals, contractors, and energy services industry professionals to learn the federal facility auditing requirements, types of remote audits, how to use the FEDS building analysis tool, and how to perform remote audits and analyze the building data with FEDS.

Comprehensive Water Management Strategies

There are many federal water-related mandates including conducting comprehensive water evaluations, implementing water-efficiency measures, and water metering. It is challenging for federal agencies to stay abreast of these requirements considering the many demands they face for managing both facility energy and water. This course will present how to develop a comprehensive water management program as it relates to federal requirements and the elements of a comprehensive water management process for federal facilities.
